Churchosity Podcast
We’re a Christian married couple giving our perspective on Church culture along with fun, practical, and edifying biblical conversations. This podcast is dedicated to Christians who just want to keep it simple.
Like it says in I Tim. 1:5..."The goal of our instruction is LOVE, from a PURE heart, a GOOD conscience, and a SINCERE faith."
138 episodes
"Our Church Has Donut Holes!"
From the church leadership, down to the newest member of our churches, we are ALL called to the ministry of Hospitality. What is it? What is it not? In this episode, we're breaking it all down, using Scripture as our foundation for exploring wh...
Season 6
Episode 2
"Spiritual Gifts...What're Those???"
New year, new season, new conversation! Welcome to Season 6!!!We are discussing the necessity of serving in the local church, and how the starting point for virtually everyone is finding an answer to the question: "What is my spiritual ...
Season 6
Episode 1

The Armor of God, Part 4: "Close Quarters Combat"
We're closing out Season 05, and our series on The Armor of God, with a series banger! What is the "Sword of the Spirit?" Why would Paul save it for last in his list of armor? What's its significance? We're talking about all of that and more!
Season 5
Episode 23
The Armor of God, Part 3: "Get Up, Be In Action, and Move Forward!"
We are excited to be back, and continue our conversation about the Armor of God. In this episode, we're discussing the Shield of Faith and the Helmet of Salvation. What are they? How are they used? What is their purpose?Listen as we dis...
Season 5
Episode 22
The Armor of God, Part 2: "Stepping On Legos"
We're continuing our conversation about The Armor of God, discussing the breastplate of righteousness and the leg guards of the preparation of the Gospel.Listen as we compare the pursuit of God's righteousness and the influence of our o...
Season 5
Episode 21
The Armor of God, Part 1: "The Struggle Is Real"
We're back! And we're ready to begin our conversation about the armor of God! Like many of us, we were victims of our Sunday School coloring books which didn't really do that great of a job expressing the realness of the Christian's struggle ag...
Season 5
Episode 20
Listen as we share some of the exciting things happening with us and the show! We'll be back REALLY soon!!!
Season 5
Revelation Series: Chapters 8 & 9 - "The Trumpet Judgements"
The Lamb breaks the seventh seal, and the seven Trumpet Judgements ensue. Dark times are illustrated in John's account of what he sees, hears, and experiences.
"The Problem of Evil"
If God is all-knowing, and all-powerful, then why does evil still exist? Listen as we break down this question and give practical, biblical answers. This is a conversation that we have wanted to have for quite some time and in this episode we'r...
Season 5
Episode 19
Sunday, May 19th, 2024 was Pentecost Sunday on our Church calendars. So, we wanted to have a candid conversation about the many "layers" of the day that birth the Apostolic Church.Listen as we have a lot of fun looking at how this epic ...
Season 5
Episode 18
"Things Our Parents Got Right"
It is so common in today's culture to bash our parents and make the definitive decision that we are NOT going to be parents like them. But have we actually taken an inventory of who we really are? It may shock us to see just how like our parent...
Season 5
Episode 17
Revelation Series: Chapter 7 - "The Bond-Servants Are Sealed"
***BONUS EPISODE***We take a very detailed look at the 144,000 sealed and the multitude of Tribulation Saints in Revelation Chapter 7. Who are they? Where do they come from? It's all about to get really intense!
"The Greatest Commandment"
We have all probably read, recited, and quoted the answer to: "What is the greatest commandment?" But what is the context of the question, and what does the answer actually look like? The truth may shock us a bit.In this episode we're l...
Season 5
Episode 16
Revelation Series: Chapter 6 - "The Day of the Lord Has Come"
***BONUS EPISODE***The Lamb Who is worthy to take the seven-sealed scroll begins to open it...and His great and terrible Day begins...Get ready to take a tour through LOTS of Scripture!
The 70 Weeks of Daniel
***BONUS EPISODE***A detailed discussion and exposition of Daniel the 9th chapter. This was one of our all-time favorites, and we think you're gonna love it too!!!
"More Epic Than Lord of the Rings"
We love our "Epic Tales" don't we? All the time we spend watching, reading, and listening to them, and all the "bonus features" as well...Do we forget the most epic story ever given to us might be collecting dust on our coffee tables? ...
Season 5
Episode 15
Revelation Series: Chapter 5 - "The Kinsman Redeemer"
The plot thickens: we are given a front row seat as our Kinsman Redeemer, Jesus the Messiah, is found worthy to take the seven-sealed book from the Father. Listen as we take a very detailed look at what John was probably witnessing after being ...
Revelation Series: Chapter 4 - "The Scene In Heaven"
***BONUS EPISODE***John is transported into the heavenly throne room! Listen as we discuss thrones, stones, elders, and creatures (OH MY)! Something really awesome is about to go down...we hope you're as excited to find out as we are!
"Hot Takes of Church Culture"
It's a Riff Episode!!!Wouldn't it be amazing if, within church culture, we could set aside our disputes and differences and make Christ and His Gospel all that truly matters? We think so! Listen as we have a little bit of fun, and some ...
Season 5
Episode 14
Book of Revelation: Chapter 3:14-22 "Laodicea"
The letter to the church of Laodicea...our Lord's final letter to His churches in Asia Minor at the end of the first century. Their report card was not that great. Yet, He still has love and grace for His beloved Church! Listen as we look at th...
Book of Revelation: Chapter 3:7-13 "Philadelphia"
A letter to the church of Philadelphia; the city of favor. Not only did this church live favorably in the midst of anti-Christian upheaval, but they were faithful ambassadors of Jesus Christ. Listen as we take a detailed look at the secon...
"Remarriage: Hope & Redemption" - Family Unity & Professional Counseling
We are wrapping up our series on Christian Remarriage, and we're going out with a bang! Listen as we share from our own personal experiences: tools for creating stability at home, the need for creating boundaries, and why professional and pasto...
Season 5
Episode 13
Book of Revelation: Chapter 3:1-6 "Sardis"
BONUS EPISODE - The letter to the church in Sardis; the church who got too big for their britches. In this episode, we once again take a long look at Church history, but we also look deeply at this church's report card: what were they lacking?<...
"Remarriage: Hope & Redemption" - Renewed Hope
Prayer, corporate worship, and digging into the Scriptures are three major components to cultivating a healthy and intimate Christian remarriage. But how do we get there from our place of insecurity and doubt?Listen as we discuss some s...
Season 5
Episode 12
Book of Revelation: Chapter 2:18-29 "Thyatira"
BONUS EPISODE - A letter to the church of Thyatira: a community full of compromise, idolatry, and unfaithfulness to Jesus. In this episode, we take a deep dive into church history up to The Reformation, and ask the question: How do we "hold fas...