Churchosity Podcast

"Hot Takes of Church Culture"

Heath and Andrea Brady Season 5 Episode 14

It's a Riff Episode!!!

Wouldn't it be amazing if, within church culture, we could set aside our disputes and differences and make Christ and His Gospel all that truly matters? We think so! Listen as we have a little bit of fun, and some serious conversation, regarding the things that divide us in the Church. In this episode we clearly demonstrate how to not take ourselves so seriously.

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welcome to the Churchosity podcast if you're looking for a place to have fun and edifying conversations about church culture then you have landed in the right [Music]



what's up everybody my name is Heath Brady and I'm Andrea Brady and we are your Churchosity podcast personnel and we are back we're Back in the Saddle Again back in the saddle again we had a nice little break for spring break yes we did uh we we failed to let our listeners in on what our plans were so we apologize for that but we needed to take a little time off because it was spring break it was Holy Week and little Oscar had life-altering surgery but he's doing great he's doing great he's doing fantastic so uh we apologize for not warning you all in advance um but I I dare say there has probably been plenty of other things Churchosity wise for you for you all to listen to or participate in so I know we didn't leave you empty-handed no I mean they could always appreciate and download the Revelation episodes that's true and it's getting quite a bit of traction I think people are really enjoying it they are we're getting a lot of good feedback on that side yeah I'm I'm enjoying it well I am too well of course you [Laughter] are so other than that Andrea how the heck are you I'm good yeah yeah why are you good cuz it's spring and it's warming up I see a lot more Sunshine so it makes me happy and uh I'm glad that our doggy had surgery and he's quite a cutie pie I've been taking good care of him and uh I'm glad he's feeling better yeah but you know leading up to something like that I always get nervous MH I don't like having to go to the vet with my dog and um you know you worry about him and uh but he's a trooper he is a trooper he did fantastically yeah yes he did so I'm glad that that's taken care of too I don't have to worry about it anymore and the next thing in store for Oscar what puppy school yes he does need a little training and so do I yeah yeah it's more like puppy owner school right because he gets away with murder he's so darn cute yeah come here Oscar or go that way it's okay you're cute I can only be mad at him for like a minute not even that long cuz then he looks up at me and I'm just like oh you're just too cute that little baby face with the wrinkles I'm a real sucker I swear yeah he's got you wrapped how are you doing today honey I am doing absolutely fantastical really yes okay there's been a lot of stuff going on behind the scenes as we keep teasing our audience with still not ready to share but God is at work and what I what I will share with all of you is that there are things which have occurred within the last week or so that have brought me incredible peace in my spirit and even more excitement for what potentially the future holds so I'm doing well I I I feel like a mountain of burdens left my shoulders okay and it's easier to focus a little bit I think that's good yeah and we've been busy you know a lot a lot going on keeping up on stuff with the podcast the stuff that's going on behind the scenes that we won't talk about yet right but yeah life is good yeah life is really good are you ready for the eclipse are you do you have everything all your ducks are in a row are you right with Jesus uh yeah the the shelter in the backyard underground it's fully stocked okay good my my doomsday containers are full yeah we're going to have a total eclipse on um theth Monday April 8th yeah so in real time when you all listen to this episode uh assuming that the grid doesn't go down right uh like y 2K yeah we'll see you on the 9th right yeah I don't want to talk about that what do you want to talk about well you know uh we're going to do something pretty cool and fun on this episode but before we get into that we want to remind all of you to give us a rating and please leave us a review because your ratings and your reviews not only help popularize church ocity but also make us incredibly easy for other people to find us and we especially want to encourage every one of you to please go check out our website I know the person who is in charge of that who's that um that would be you oh me yes and she that person is is like extremely underpaid for all the work that they do yeah no kidding so um do them a solid and honor their efforts go to our website hang out in the place where you can enjoy all things church aity not just our episodes but we've also got blogs and immediately when our our website opens up there's this big beautiful button that says take our survey we really would love it if you would take our short survey it'll take you maybe five minutes uh Church go there give it a gander hang out for a while and enjoy

All right so you you ready to do something fun something depend on what your definition of fun is how about something light-hearted okay lighthearted is yes but as is true with all the things that we do we're going to have fun and it's going to be light-hearted but we're also going to be stinkers I know uh we thought that it would be a really great idea especially after having several episodes that were kind of meaty yeah maybe a little intense a little heavy that uh before we really get into the meat and potatoes of the direction that we're going in next we as a precursor or preamble to that conversation we thought that it would be really really fun to poke around around in play with some hot takes you know some popular hot takes or buttons that people like to push in church culture you know those secondary and tertiary things that we in church culture choose to divide over and argue about as though they're primary Y and we wanted to keep it light-hearted and be stinkers about it and so we thought that that would be kind of fun yeah uh we are not going going to unveil where we land on any of these things well if you know us you already know the answers to some of them that's very true but uh because many of the things that we're going to talk about we've actually already discussed on our podcast uh in in the past now Mr Brady mhm this isn't stirring up trouble is it never I mean I would never want I would never want to stir up trouble okay I'm just making sure we're not stirring up trouble I believe in the proverb that says laughter is medicine for the soul okay so we are going to try to give our audience lots of medicine today okay that's good just sit back and enjoy we're not taking ourselves too seriously then definitely not okay no this this is this is not us giving hot takes about other people's hot takes save that for Twitter now you used a big word yes it's that word again word t iary tertiary yeah that's a fancy word that basically means like like so in church culture especially when it comes to like Theology and Doctrine you have classifications of subject matter oh you have primary secondary and tertiary okay primary would be things like who is God uhhuh how is a person saved got it those would be primary theological conversations okay secondary subjects would be things like maybe things in the realm of eschatology okay or things in the realm of spiritual giftings um because they are biblical and they are things to address and explore but those are not things that are predicated or affect the primary things got it you follow me yeah in other words where you land in the conversation about spiritual gifts really has little to do with who God is especially how a person is saved mhm they're not so much evidence of those things just a conversation right M but tertiary is all the other stuff like how we should dress for church on Sunday like jeans or no jeans jeans or no jeans hats or no hats um okay you know stuff like that right and and and you know why we're bringing this up is mainly to have fun yeah but also to really kind of shed some light on the many ways that we might in church culture really dig in on things that have little or no significance when it comes to the primary thing which is the gospel MH and often you know what we do Mr Brady oh well we often talk about anything that distracts us from the gospel is just that and it rendered us ineffective uhhuh it's a distraction yeah so the longer that we take arguing and dividing and debating over these secondary inter tertiary things the more and more ineffective we are being rendered in the primary things right that's true yeah so by no means are we trying to expose anybody or offend anybody although I'm sure we will a we might be poking fun a little bit but really what we want all of us to do is enjoy this conversation to the extent that whether or not you you identify with some of the things that we're going to joke about take an inventory right cuz I'm going to do it too and Andrea yeah you're going to do it too okay and just kind of use our conversation as somewhat of a litmus test to figure out where on the scale of primary versus secondary and tertiary we fall yeah because at the end of the day the purpose of the church is to be Heaven's representative to the Earth right and in doing that we are commanded to make disciples of Jesus Christ by putting him and his gospel on display it's true rather than being so focused on these other things so come along with us as we embark on this journey of hot takes and pushing [Music] buttons so first up yes I would like to bring up one of my favorites okay the classic debate between Calvinism and arminianism oh man now if you are not familiar with either one of these terms you're blessed fast forward if you don't want your mind poisoned well there's probably more than just those two aren't there yeah but this is a specific debate okay for lack of a better term there there are a lot of isms and allies in church culture believe me yeah but these two uh depending on which Christian Camp you fall into or identify with may be your primary theological stance mhm Calvinism is a form of theology it's not just a hermeneutic it's not just a doctrinal stance it's a form of theology uh Calvin was the producer of the infamous tulip acronym okay so if you're a calvinist there are certain views that you hold theologically about who who God is and how a person is saved and various other things M if you if you are of the camp of the Armenians those five tulip things are basically the opposite they have a different acronym I don't remember what it is off the top of my head but they have like roses yeah they the The Armenian Camp has their uh theolog iCal principles okay and by and large they kind of really stand in opposition to one another don't you think that's crazy it really is I mean they're all reading the same Bible but they're interpreting it differently right but what's important though and and I want to I want to draw attention to this is just as you said they read the same Bible right yeah I I will be the first to tell you that whether you are a calvinist or an Armenian there is evidence and refute for both in scripture right there really is so I don't want to say that one or the other is wrong they're different yeah the question that needs to be asked really what it boils down to is not these different theological or doctrinal views but rather your view of God is he Sovereign or is he not oh are we responsible for our Salvation in any way shape or form or do we have bragging rights at any point that's really what those two camps argument boils down to does it boil down to that yeah interesting and a lot of denominations are kind of formed from those two thoughts weren't they yeah but not explicitly I mean these are I mean there are some that like Presbyterian and you know Baptist Methodist you know like they they have their they I know very few denominations that if you went and visited their church or their website and looked at their what we believe tab that they would come right out and say we are Calvinists or we are Armenians now I do know some that will write on their website say we are

those churches who do make it obvious where they land on the spectrum of Calvinism versus arminianism but for the most part I think that especially in the denominational churches I think that there's sprinklings of both yeah what about non- denominational churches what about them well when they pretty much can write their own doctrinal statements you know versus a denomination yeah one of the really powerful things that I've come to appreciate in in differences between denominational churches versus non-denominational churches is that in denominational churches you have a network MH right that's true and in most non-denominational churches there is no network you're kind you're kind of on your own yeah you're like a lone CR Crusader in your community which isn't bad or wrong don't hear me say that it's just very different and and I don't think that there is a specific right or wrong way to do church so long as Christ and the gospel are constantly at the Forefront of the business of the churches true does that make sense you know it's kind of funny like I think about Calvary the Calvary Church Calvary Chapel yeah that they're they aren't they like they're a non- denominational church but they kind of ended up being their own denomination yeah it's a network cuz it grew yeah yeah and that that's an example of a non-denominational church that developed a large network of churches and through that network of churches the founders the original Founders were kind of the overseers of the network of Calvary churches as a whole and it's primarily a West Coast thing also true um and again if it wasn't for Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa we would we would have never had a youth group to go to in Seattle so definitely there is a right place in the right time for that context of a Christian Church yeah we would have been in so much trouble without our youth group right yeah I don't know where I would have ended


up so there's those things what about the Divide this is going to get a little thick uhoh between covenantal hermeneutics and dispensational hermeneutics well I only know what those things are because you and I we talk about them that's very true this might be jargon that some of our listeners have never heard before right the the B basic gist is this the dispensational hermeneutic is a template that one who subscribes to this hermeneutic would lay they would lay this template over scripture and depending on which dispensational Camp you fall into there's anywhere between seven and 14 different dispensations jeez in all of human history okay and what a dispensation essentially is is a period of time on the Earth where a specific people group is the focus and God intervenes or deals with that specific people group in a specific way predominant to that dispensation mhm and so depending on which dispensation you're talking about a different group is at focus and God is doing something with that people group or through that people group or to that people group essentially it's almost like putting God in a box M and saying he during this dispensation was only focused on this people group and only worked in human history this way and he can't work a different way right which kind of doesn't sound right to me but I'm not going to go there too much yeah I mean it it it sound it it sounds peculiar but there is scriptural evidence for it okay there is scriptural EV scriptural evidence for it mhm on the other hand there's the covenantal hermeneutic which is not a template but rather using the cross at Calvary as the central point of focus when you look backwards at the Old Testament through the lens of the Cross or forwards through into the New Testament through the lens of the Cross you can almost virtually see one message on virtually every page in both the old and New Testament and that is the overall Plan of Redemption of God's people mhm mhm into nut chills that is what those two camps are yeah there's a lot more to both of those but in essence that is what they are and people have been debating this for ages ages ages not just in non-denominational churches either so that's that's another one mhm oh it also kind of makes me think of like End Time stuff oh eschatological conversations yes like uh premillennial post-millennial a millennial yeah people argue about all that kind of stuff constantly especially if you're on Twitter you can see oh yeah yeah you can you can trip and fall down a big rabbit hole real quick on Twitter with this conversation well since you brought it up do you want to tell everyone what those are well the key to that is the half of those terms which is Millennial uhhuh that is referring to a passage in the Book of Revelation that refers to a 1,000-year time period where Christ is said to rule on the earth uhhuh and so if you were to take that Millennial that 1,000 years literally then you would have to determine where the Rapture if you have a view of the Rapture being a thing is is slated to take place in relation to the Millennium so either the Rapture is going to be before the millennial period which is premillennial or the Rapture is going to happen after the Millennium which is post millennial or there is or there isn't a Rapture and the Millennium has ENT been happening since Christ ascended into heaven and that's it it's just the second coming then it's just the second forward that we're looking forward to so those those are the three predominant views about the millennial the millennial Kingdom the Thousand Years referenced in Revelation whether you're pre- poost or a millennial along those same lines even within the Rapture camp there are three views on when the Rapture is going to take place oh man and that relates to specifically a period of 7 years that folks in this Camp would label as the tribulation okay and so if the tribulation is a real 7-year period destined for our future and the Rapture is a real event that is set to take place at some point in time when is that Rapture going to happen oh man well if it happens before the seven years then you're pre-trib if it happens after the seven years then you're post trip and if it happens somewhere in the middle of those seven years then you are mid trip and believe it or not in the Rapture camp in the dispensational camp that is a that is a battle wow and once again there are scriptural ref references to support each of those views H so aren't you going to be talking about all of that in your Revelation series yes yes we are Shameless plug yes listen to the Revelation series okay they're bonus episodes that we work very hard [Music] on do you got any hot takes or buttons you'd like to push how about egalitarianism versus

complementarianism how interesting that the female half of our podcast Personnel would bring that one

up seriously though I mean you know so it does divide uh people it divides churches it divides it's quite a Hot Topic so honey yeah for the sake of our lovely listeners that maybe have no idea what you're talking about would you kindly explain to the audience what complementarianism and egalitarianism are well I'm sure I'm not as eloquent as you are about explaining these things but from my understanding um egalitarianism is where women are viewed uh as equals with men in the church and they're able to serve in any capacity even as a pastor usually yeah um not always but yeah right you know and in the marriage relationship they both serve each I mean we um it's 50/50 50 yeah 50/50 and you um are submissive to each other like you serve each other so you know kind of goes hand in hand you could even have a stay-at-home husband oh okay yeah I I guess so let I think I think I like the egalitarians more and more my gosh I still like you to open the door for me you know and stuff like that well my mom raised me up and then complementarianism is the thought that um only men can hold certain positions in the church um and that it's you know some are hyper that way where it's like women can't teach at all and if they can if they teach they can only teach children um they can't be in any position of authority over adult males yeah and some take it to the extreme where you know they don't think that women should work outside of the home and especially if they do work they can't work in a any kind of a area where they would be in a position of authority over any man even in the secular world yeah yeah and then in the marriage relationship the women is to be submissive to their husband and and he's the head of the home and there's different degrees of that I think I changeed my mind what I think I like complimentaries better stop it well you know I told you I was going to be a stinker the extremes of either almost any of these things the extremes of one or the other is probably not a good thing sure so you know just like you know left or right politically yeah the only hot take that I will say about that debate in church culture yeah is that complimentaries especially love to go to Ephesians 5 yeah but unfortunately they are cursed by subject headers that didn't originally exist in the text oh those subject headers and the verse that's right before the subject header is where the subject header actually should be because it says submit to one another in love as unto Christ true and specifically speaking of with the metaphor of marriage yeah so that's that's the only hot take I'm going to give on that still not telling you where I land now we're now we're moving into the debates over what version of the Bible are acceptable or you know I'm even starting to wonder what are those those headers are put there by people so they're adding to scripture so that's probably a bad thing yeah not always I'm playing devil's advocate here that's great though because because what if if you're studying if you want to study the scripture M having a paragraph or subject header before you even start to study creates a presupposition before you even start to unpack the scripture like you've already created this preliminary idea that what you were about to study is about that header true and you and I we both both find countless examples of where that doesn't always add up yeah to be you know doesn't always seem to be the case so you got to be careful about that that kind of puts scripture in a box yeah yeah it really does so and and I think that it that also helps contribute to alleged or apparent contradictions in scripture because that's a human's perspective on what the following verses are talking about right and they're not always wrong I'll say but I just think that it's kind of a bad idea yeah like if if I could I would go through my entire Bible and redact every single header in my Bible yeah exactly but then it would be all marked up with black marker now we often do talk about what Bible we like best we do version but there are a lot of people that um are pretty uh dug in on their favorite version you know yeah I am I'm I am too and I think that you know sometimes when you are a kid and you learn all of your scripture verses from a certain version you tend to like that version yeah like maybe like the King James Bible or whatever Our Generation I think a lot of us most of us grew up in Sunday school reading from the King Jimmy we did I I memorized a lot of scripture from the King James yeah or the NIV Thou shalt not have any other gods before me versus a more modern translation do not have other gods than me yeah and everything in between right right I said I wasn't going to give any opinions of where we land on these things but I am a big fan of The New American Standard I know I know but people argue about this kind of stuff all they really do yeah like I know there's the king Jimmy only Camp yeah like I'm highly in favor of the American Standard but I don't believe that it's the only profitable profitable translation yeah I think it's one of the best yeah and isn't it just like Satan to try to get us to start arguing about something like that to I mean isn't the goal to like read it and not argue about it like yeah regardless of what translation you read from Colossians 3 still says let the words of Christ richly dwell within you and there are certain countries in this world where having a Bible is illegal mhm even for pastors because they Pastor churches that are underground yeah there are a lot of pastors and churches out there that don't have Bibles but they might have scraps of Bibles exactly and oh are we going to condemn them because they don't use the new American standard or they don't use the King James or version that's been translated into their language exactly you know script all scripture is inspired by God literally God breathed right so regardless of what version of the scripture you read and study from it's still the word of God the the only thing that's different is the human error in the translat that's true and you know we can't put God in a box and say he can't work through a certain version of scripture even the king Jimmy and the NIV right yeah you're exactly right you're exactly right right what about and here's a Hot Topic you ready oh no what continuationism versus cessationism oo gifts gifts spiritual gifts that's that is a conversation or debate depending on which crowd you are running with over whether or not the spiritual gifts namely

tongues continued or ceased after the apostolic era okay and that's a fun one right that's a fun one yeah what about healings and prophecies and all that kind of stuff sure yeah yeah and I think some we have talked about that someday we're we're going on our podcast we're going to do some episodes about that maybe we'll throw it into our upcoming series okay no maybe not all right no I'm just saying we we already do a good enough job of getting into trouble that's right that is a pretty hot topic it's been a Hot Topic since we were teenagers and even probably before then oh long before then long before then I mean the whole book whole first letter of Paul to the church in Corinth is about this mhm oh that's true and I think that I mean here's my hot take you ready what I don't think it matters so much whether you believe that those spiritual gifts exist today or not I think rather what matters is who gets the

glory ooh mhm and I think that if you whatever position you hold on that argument that debate if you take inventory of who receives the glory for it and be honest about it yeah that will be a huge help in determining which view might be the better view for lack of a better argum perspective yeah and if you are well I know that there are people out there that believe in you know speaking in tongues and they were maybe they're out there praying for the gift of tongues and I'm thinking thinking to myself what you just said was really awesome because maybe you need to just stop praying for the gift of tongues and instead pray Lord thank you that you've made me who I am and I praise you for that end of sentence because I know that you are going to equip me as I need to be equipped because it's not of myself it's it's to bring Glory to you and that's all I want to do and I thank you for that and I praise you for that and that can be enough mhm and I think that that is the perspective to have either way yeah I think there's too much focus on wanting something more yeah you know Jesus plus yeah and there's people in Scripture that wanted Jesus plus and they got in a lot of

trouble just saying there's my hot take yeah Jesus plus let's talk about worship oh

okay uh are hymns enough no I'm just kidding dang Savage hymns versus um you know contemporary contary modern uh worship music you know this I tell you I think I think that this is one of probably the top five debates in church culture as far as the longevity of it yeah it's been around for so long mhm um I have an opinion I'm not going to give it on this episode I'm going to stick I'm going to stick to my promise but personally I like both well yeah I love both they're both awesome and I think I mean I love singing the same kinds of songs that traditionally are um brother and Sisters in Christ before us have sung and I think there's a lot of Beauty in that you know like we still sing Christmas carols don't we cuz it's traditional and you know we don't stick our noses up in the air about that I just Christmas is a pagan holiday stop it oh gosh we're going to go on we're still don't move ahead okay but like you know I like both I think both yeah I mean people can still write good words worship music all right you ready for my hot take on this no okay what at one point in human history uhhuh hymns were contemporary I know right I thought you're going to say at one point in human history I was a um contemporary Christian

artist are you making fun of me no I don't think our our listeners know this that you are in a band a very horrible band hey but we love Jesus that's right and we wrote and performed songs that were dedicated to him that's right uh moving right along okay Christmas do we celebrate the the um holidays or are they Pagan practices Yeah Christmas Easter Halloween you name it but mainly I think Christmas and Easter are the two big ones that are in that debate Square okay so whether or not those are pagan holidays or you know in most of the churches and circles that I've belonged to throughout my life all the Christian people that I know celebrated the holidays so I'm not quite sure what would be the extreme of like what would be somebody's t on not wanting to celebrate the holidays can you take that perspective and tell me what that looks like well I think that a person who would be hyper sensitive to this and I'm not saying that this is bad right or or wrong because we make allowances for people differences meaning you know we appreciate other people's perspectives absolutely um but someone who would be hyper sensitive around this issue of whether or not to celebrate Christmas and or Easter stems from a knowledge and understanding which is a good thing of the roots of many of the Traditions that we in the west have around specifically Christmas and Easter because the reality is that there are many things that we traditionally do at Christmas time and at Easter time that have Pagan Babylonian caldan Roots okay there just are uh just like darn near everything that we do in the west has Pagan Roots we could probably have a couple of episodes about that our very calendar has roots in Pagan Rome oh yeah so but we still keep dates yeah and make appointments with [Music] Google but I will say this what if if someone is hyp sensitive to that there that is okay mhm if you know because I think I think that it is a good thing to have an area of your practical Christian Life that you're sensitive about and to create boundaries around that because of your sensitivity and that falls in line with making allowances for one another's differences right like we can simplify that and say well if if if if someone in their in their life before Christ was heavily into alcohol okay and the Lord has rejuvenated them from the inside out and they are now uh sold out to the kingdom they're bonder Servants of Christ and they're serving the lord with everything that they've got but because of that element of abuse of alcohol in their past they are now sensitive to alcohol altogether we would not condemn them for that no we would be sensitive to that for them so as to not be a stumbling block exactly Romans right Paul well on along those same lines if someone really has the sensitivity to the Pagan roots that do exist in much of our Christmas and Easter Traditions then we cannot separate from that individual or condemn that individual and on the flip side that individual can't do the same thing to the folks who don't have a problem with it that's true well that does happen quite a bit it does on all of these things yep and again you can fall down that rabbit hole on Twitter if you want to well now you you brought up alcohol so let's talk about that alcohol is it okay or not do we drink wine or grape

juice that's a hot take sure well I I think that that argument is is it either or mhm or is it yes and Jesus drank wine well sure he did but then you then you have the hyper sensitive people in this debate that would say well the kind of wine that they drank 2,000 years ago was not the type of alcohol that we have today and the type of alcohol that we have today is 10 times stronger than what they drank back in Jesus's time I don't think so I will tell you that's not true I know especially when you get into a study of things like new wine uhhuh like for instance wine at the wedding of Kaa right when Jesus turns the water into wine and they test it they say Well normally we have the new wine or the good wine at the beginning because as the people are drinking it becomes watered down so that nobody gets schnockered right but the wine that Jesus turned the water into mhm was even better than the good wine or the new wine right in other words it was stronger than the stuff they were drinking at the beginning of the wedding so you got to be careful about how legalistic you're going to be about a secondary issue like alcohol and where you get your support for your position true plus we also want to be you know like you were mentioning you want to be sensitive to people's of course uh ideas and if somebody thinks that drinking alcohol is bad if somebody thinks that the devil's it's the devil's drink yeah that's their position on it and and you can't fault somebody for that yeah but if somebody doesn't think that there's any wrong with having a glass of wine or having a beer or whatever you know like Paul said all things all things are permissible all things are permissible but not all things are profitable right like do things responsibly in other words I mean scripture does say do not be drunk with wine but be filled with the spirit exactly so there are certain parameters right well a person who is adamantly opposed to the devil's drink has to have the same attitude to respect one another's differences because neither position has any to do with whether or not that person is saved there you go you follow me yeah exactly and there's my hot take [Music]

I got a couple of more okay that I think are fun okay and I don't want to drift too far into the weeds because of time but what about baptism ooh do we baptize babies or not do we baptize or not there's some uh denominations that don't baptize that is very true that's another part of that conver but let's just assume that for all intents and purposes we have a predominant listenership of folks who practice baptism right sprinkling or submersion yeah kids or no kids that's true babies or noids or no kids or no kids got it uhhuh Credo baptism versus Po baptism those are the technical isms so k would be if um like adults okay would be babies okay so all right got it and there is biblical evidence and support for both that's true so be careful right so kedo means believe yeah so like you have to verbally um acknowledge your belief before you're baptized it it yes it revolves around that whole um age of accountability okay conversation that stems from Jewish culture you know by the time uh a kid turned 13 they were considered an adult that was also considered quote the age of understanding or you get what I'm saying age of accountability Catholicism I remember when I was a kid there was the age of um there was a certain age I think it was eight when you knew better or you should know better or you should know better I mean I knew better at five so I probably knew better I'm much older than eight and I still don't know better when I was a little baby I was crawling around the house after my mom had told me not to get into something and I was crawling across the house saying batam batam bam cuz I was going to go do it even though she told me not to so I knew it was bad yep but I still wanted to do it and not much has changed oh stop

what about the creation debate oh man was it a literal 7even days or something else yeah that's a fun one mhm but there are camps that argue about this yeah well there are some Christians that don't take the creation story literally they believe in evolution or a form of evolution that's true and yeah I think I think that at the heart of that argument is whether or not God created or it all happened by accident mm and or God was behind it or God was behind the evolution if you will but also specifically to the creation account I think that the more important argument is not was it a literal 7even days or something else but rather did God do it right did God do what scripture says God did in the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth right right and just as a side note the Hebrew word there for create it means to bring into existence out of nothing uhhuh versus make from something yeah the like for instance when it says let us make man in our own image right a different word man was made with ingredients that already existed okay wow see I love the Hebrew from the dust of the earth isn't that so cool like because we lose a lot of translation in the English yes we do it's so neat like the word love yeah you see love in the New Testament well there's five different words in the Greek for love oh gosh at least yeah so yeah I just really love looking at the um the original language and learning the different words and um you know focusing on a verse and just kind of going through it with the concordance it's so in interesting MH it's way it opens the scripture up yep and uh I highly recommend concordance handy talking about recommending Bibles uh if no one has um checked out the Blue Letter Bible online they also have an app it's really handy you can select all sorts of different versions um on that website and you can also o look at the concordance and the original languages and I just highly recommend it that's yes fascinating tool we've used it for years yeah it's wonderful I mean there are there are better Bible softwares out there yeah this one's free yeah this one's free and free is good and it's good yeah I have two more oh do you yep okay well I was thinking a lot of people argue in the church about um parenting issues and specifically do you put your kid in public school or private school or or homeschool home school y yeah cuz there's a camp for everything and honestly I think it just depends on your kid sure where you are and in you know where you live Everything's Relative for in that regard I think I think you're right um I mean I I understand a lot of the drive and force behind wanting to put your kid in private school I mean when we were kids the majority of the reasons why kids were put in private school was was either for religious reasons or because they were a troubled child and they thought they'd get straightened out by going to private school cuz they could be more strict at a private school sure and that is what my parents tried and it made things worse I'm just saying when you were in school at a private school did you get paddled oh all the time honestly they did that to you guys all the time oh my gosh my my best friend Scott and I used to get spanked together I didn't know they still did that well I they I don't know when they stopped but you know you're talking when I was in elementary school so this is back in like 7879 80ish yeah yeah well I was in a private school too a different I was in Catholic private school yeah but didn't the nuns hit you on the hand with a ruler instead no that was more my parents' generation oh okay we didn't have nuns teaching very often in our school but um you know they didn't paddle us anymore but I did have a teacher in the fourth grade who threw Kleenex boxes at us yeah and she threw cuz we had chalkboards this was the worst because in our school we had a uniform and our uniform consisted of well for a girl a plaid skirt and a navy blue sweater and the teacher if if we were talking or something she would pick up the Eraser from the chalkboard and throw it across the room at us and if it hit our sweater that shock was on there for like the rest of until you could wash it you just can't get that out it's in there and so it was like a a badge of Shame you go out to recess and see all the people that got hit with erasers yeah well pretty much we take our sweat sweat her off and tied around our waist or something at that point but wow yeah it was bad but I I mean I do understand the drive the driving force behind wanting to take your kids out of public school especially as a Christian because of you know the antithetical things that are taught and pushed and the agendas you know in public school and I mean I you know I get that you know and I see I really see all sides of of this argument and I don't think that there really is a one-size fits-all I think that you're right Andy my hot take on this one is that it is subjective to the situation I think I'm not going to say it's relative because that's a dangerous word to use in any context in Christian culture but I do think that each situation is unique and not everyone's privileged enough to be able to afford private school or have a parent that's home all day to be able to conduct home school correct so yeah and that's a whole other level to that conversation yeah for sure right well the last one that I have is a fun one oh and that has to do with what in the heck is going on in Genesis chapter 6 oh man why did the flood have to happen and what I'm referring to that's another episode we should do we should but what I'm referring to is this age-old debate about who are the sons of God and the daughters of men that knew each other in a biblical sense and their offspring were these interesting creatures known as the Nephilim right so people argue about this they do okay so what are the two ideas well there's there's three the there's the three most popular ideas the third one is really utterly ridiculous and I think that most Bible scholars have finally swept that one off the table I want to hear the ridiculous one well the ridiculous one has to do with different Kings oh um in the Old Testament perod that's boring well not well not only that I was thinking you something like aliens or Monsters well by the time you get to Genesis chapter 6 you know there's there's estimated that there's several millions of people living on the earth and yet there's no evidence of Kingdoms at least in scripture okay so you know the jury is still out on whether or not that's even a credible debate to have because of that fact you know different different anthropologists different scientists different archaeologists will tell you different perspectives or takes or opinions on when people existed in history and where they existed Etc you know they talk about like cave drawings and all those things what what have you but it it's it's the third of the three most popular views on who the sons of God and the daughters of men are and it has to do with different Kings and kingdoms okay the second most popular view is that the sons of God are from the descendants of Seth M you know Adam and Eve's third child oh got it uhhuh that's recorded in scripture um and that the daughters of men are the descendants of Cain oh and that somehow they inter marry and The Offspring of those Unholy unions are these Supernatural evil men of renown the Nephilim H okay there's evidence to support that okay there's also evidence to refute that mhm number one being there's no history of it but again not that it's wrong it's just different the most popular view is that the sons of God are fallen angels and the daughters of men are human women oh and that somehow these Fallen Angels knew these human women in a biblical sense uhhuh and The Offspring were these Nephilim interesting and there is biblical evidence to support this such as the phrase sons of God in Genesis chap 6 the Hebrew yeah is the same exact phrase that's used in job when it talks about Lucifer and the sons of God coming into the throne room of Heaven oh so something to chew on H doesn't mean it's right doesn't mean it's wrong just means that there's some biblical support for it so a lot of people love to probably study that and talk about it and especially the folks you know I don't want to drift into the weeds here but especially the folks that are really big on uh the conversations about aliens and UFOs which you touched on a few minutes ago okay that a lot of that phenomena is synonymous with what happened in Genesis chapter 6 oh so uh I'm not saying that that's right it's very Sensational I don't encourage anyone to go Chas that rabbit don't fall down that rabbit hole but that's that that debate over the sons of God and Daughters of men is actually a pretty good one because and and and it might be an important one because whatever happened was literally the reason for the flood mhm so uh yeah that's kind of fun we should do an episode about the flood yeah we should I think that would be fun uhhuh but uh do you have any more I know that there's a lot more oh there's a lot more there's so much more yeah but I think this there's many on my list that we're not going to bring up because of time and I don't want this to be a two-parter I know the I mean you know I think about how how we often camp out on a certain topic and just you know lose ourselves in it yeah yeah well as I mentioned at the jump you know our purpose for this riff episode is not so much to harp on people groups or beliefs or doctrines or anything mhm but really if any of these things that we mentioned are camps that you fall into doesn't mean that it's bad doesn't mean that it's good doesn't mean anything don't attach meaning to it really the purpose of of having this fun and somewhat flipp it and sarcastic conversation is to bring back into the light that as followers of Jesus Christ that should be our primary focus exactly mhm and if if we make the main thing the main thing and the main thing is Jesus Christ then if we did that more often in church culture there would be less division in the churches yeah because there is no one siiz fits-all when it comes to which church is better than the other Church which denomination is better than the other denomination I mean we all have opinions right yeah but if Christ and his gospel are at the forfront of our churches there is a greater opportunity for community Community across the board in all of church culture exactly and that is something that I would love to see as a movement as a phase in church history take place especially in my lifetime that's true that would be awesome you know I do have a verse oh please get us back on track of course from Galatians 5 we love Galatians don't we we do from Galatians 513 and 14 for you were called to Freedom Brethren only do not turn your freedom into an opportunity for the flesh but through love serve one another for the whole law is fulfilled in one word in the statement you shall love your neighbor as yourself you know there's that law gospel distinction again and you know we have freedom in Christ MH and we need to focus on what's important and what's important is serving him glorifying him bringing him praise and glory and loving one another and uh you know fulfilling that the law in one word which says you shall love the neighbor as yourself and he equips us to do that it's not something we can dohm without him amen yeah and that's all we have to say about that thank thank you for listening to the Church oity podcast please don't forget to give us a rating and leave us a review on our next episode we are going to be introducing our next series where we will be discussing the fundamentals of the faith and it's going to be a good one don't miss it over to you Andy be sure to check out our website there you can follow us on all the socials become at church oity patreon and you can also drop us a message and give us your feedback because we would really love to hear from you and don't forget to spread the word about Churchosity podcast by just simply telling a friend to tell a friend what we're doing here yeah let them be a part of the conversation too but always remember that just as it says in 1 Timothy 1:5 the goal of our instruction Is Love from a pure heart and from a good conscience and a sincere faith so we thank all of you once again for listening and we look forward to catching you on the next episode of Churchosity podcast [Music]

[Music] peace [Music]

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