Churchosity Podcast


Heath and Andrea Brady Season 5 Episode 18

Sunday, May 19th, 2024 was Pentecost Sunday on our Church calendars. So, we wanted to have a candid conversation about the many "layers" of the day that birth the Apostolic Church.

Listen as we have a lot of fun looking at how this epic day unfolded, its backstory, and its primary prerequisite for occurring. We pray this episode edifies and encourages you to remember that He that is in YOU is greater than he that is in the world. That "He" is the Holy Spirit! AMEN!

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welcome to the Churchosity podcast if you're looking for a place to have fun and edifying conversations about church culture then you have landed in the right spot [Music]


what's going on everybody my name is Heath Brady and I'm Andrea Brady and we are your Churchosity podcast Personnel coming at you I don't think I'm ever going to stop doing that I think that that is just staple just as much as our intro song is I think so too yeah and tell one of our listeners says please stop doing that oh don't and even then I probably them on come on come on I Dare You Well we hope that everyone is having a wonderful day Andy are you having a wonderful day I am yeah I'm having a wonderful day good you know why I'm having a wonderful day why cuz you made me breakfast a and I really appreciate it thank you you're welcome yeah it was really nice gsh I woke up real sleepy and I sat down with a cup of coffee and I was like I'm so hungry yeah and then I was like my baby needs some food uh-huh and he took care of me it makes me happy thank you it was an honor to serve you I sound like Chick-fil-A yeah it's an honor to serve you my pleasure it is my pleasure to serve you how may I serve you yeah oh gosh well man you just made me want Chick-fil-A I know Jesus's chicken is amazing yeah my favorite thing there is their um lemon their lemonade thing oh cuz they have the lemonade with uh SP uh Stevia in it don't they I think it has Splenda yeah but it's like sugar-free yeah yeah it's like a little Shake thing my favorite thing they don't make anymore and that was the key lime the Frozen key lime pie me too that was better Oh I thought it was better Nothing Gold Can Stay no or lime or green

yeah well if you're listening to us in real time as in the day that this episode has dropped we are currently on our way home from Northern California yes where we visited this Fantastical congregation down here where I am candidating to be their next Pastor yep and keep praying for us keep praying for us because uh the Lord is at work and we want to make sure that he's the only one working right so uh we'll update you more on how that process is going in the not too distant future but also in real time I hope everyone had a blessed Pentecost M I hope that yesterday at church you uh focused on this event in church history that is really the birth of the apostolic church and had a fun time celebrating together as Believers and being edified in the teaching of Pentecost and all of those things it's kind of interesting because that's actually what we're going to be talking about on our episode today awesome but before we dive into that conversation we want to remind all of you to give us a rating and leave us a review because your ratings and your reviews not only Help popularize Churchosity podcast but they also make us so much easier for other people to find us mhm we also want to encourage all of you to check out our website is the home for all things church oity not just our episodes not just links to YouTube but we also have some fabulous blogs we have merch and and probably most important about our website is that we have this Rusty trusty little questioner that we would love all of you to go and fill out it'll take like less than the amount of time it takes to brew a kig to fill out this question here help us connect with you better if you have ideas or subjects that you would like for us to discuss on Churchosity this is your great opportunity this is your community too you are just as much a part of us as we are so please go fill out that survey go to the website give it a gander and hang out for a while and enjoy that's Churchosity-dot-com we are just a couple of goofballs aren't we yeah we are I think that's why I love doing this with you you are my fellow goober I like being the goober a goober fellow goober all right well yesterday in real time was Pentecost Sunday on the church calendar mhm Pentecost being a fancy Greek word for 50th day oh uh this particular day uh in in Biblical history was 50 days after Christ okay that is why it is called Pentecost so Pentecost was not a festival until it happened for the first time mhm and there's a lot of information like you can Google you can Wikipedia you can like you can do all of that and and to your heart's content and fall down rabbit holes and have a lot of fun in a good way rabbit holes in a good way uh finding out all sorts of cool things about Pentecost H I want to as a disclaimer a a kind of a re emptive conversation to the conversation a prequel if you will mention that this is not going to be an episode where we have a conversation about the gift of tongues okay that is not what we're talking about here mhm so with that as the disclaimer getting that out of the way let's have some fun and discuss this event called Pentecost everyone's pretty much familiar with Acts chapter 2 which which is where the event of Pentecost takes place it's where it's written about by St Luke who wrote the book of Acts it's his sequel to his gospel in effect um starting in verse one I'm just going to read the account of it and then we'll start to unpack it and and uh get to playing around a little bit okay starting in verse one of Acts chapter 2 when the day of Pentecost or the 50th day had come they were all together in one place who are they this is all of the disciples and uh the majority of the followers of Christ that were with him in the upper room before the Ascension they had come together in one place and suddenly a noise like a violent rushing wind came from heaven and it filled the whole house where they were sitting and tongues that looked like fire appeared to them Distributing or dancing themselves and tongue rested on each one of them and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in different tongues read that languages as the spirit was giving them the ability to speak out now there were Jews residing in Jerusalem devout men from every nation under heaven so uh this isn't people who are from Jerusalem there are people from other from other nations that are residing in Jerusalem you follow me yeah verse 6 and when this sound occurred that sound that sounded like the rushing wind in the upper room yeah when this sound occurred the crowd came together and they were bewildered you think why were they bewildered because uh because each one of them was hearing them speak in his own language they were amazed and astonished so first they were bewildered mhm then they were amazed and then they were astonished saying why are not all these who are speaking galileans and how is it that we each hear them in our own language to which we were born verse 9 parthians mes elamites and the residents of Mesopotamia Judea capadia pontis and Asia friia pamilia Egypt and the part of Libya around sirene and visitors from Rome both Jews and prelit H read that Gentiles who converted to Judaism mhm mhm cretans and Arabs we hear them speaking in our own tongues of the mighty Deeds of God and they all continued in amazement and great perplexity saying to one another what does this mean but there were others who were jering and saying they are full of sweet wine in other words they're drunk right so that is the written account by St Luke of the event of Pentecost it is the day that the Holy Spirit came and filled these people in the upper room and this wild and crazy stuff happened let's get the the obvious out of the way yes the elephant in the living room okay what's that tongues yeah so we're not going to have a conversation about the gift of tongues as I said but I am going to say that it needs to be understood that what these people were speaking in were known languages to the people who were on the outside mhm and all of those people are from those surrounding Nations and I just just read them all they're verses 9 through 11 yeah it makes it pretty clear every single one of them was saying that we're hearing the the mighty Deeds of God in our own language but those people aren't from where we're from right what in the heck is going on yeah they must be drunk what does this mean what does this mean a double rainbow double rainbow right I want some of that sweet wine so I just want to I just want to get that out of the way right this this isn't some unknown language the the Greek word for tongues here is glossia which is a known spoken language okay that's important to determine here for all of us right so you've got this really cool thing going on you've got people from all of these different nations that just happen to be in Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost from all these different nations these people hear essentially the gospel spoken in their language from people who don't speak their language right it's definitely Supernatural mhm but this particular gift and ability of glossal Leia goes on through the entire Apostolic era like until the end of the century like up around the time when John the Revelator writes the book of Revelation we have documentation of this taking place that this is that this is a very very powerful thing that the Holy Spirit empowers men and women to do in order to preach the gospel to people in their own language that's not the only purpose of what this particular thing is about but certainly just as all things that God miraculously does that are beautiful for us mankind found a way to make it about them yeah and you want to know what that looks like just as a side study go read the first letter to the Church of of the Corinthians from the Apostle Paul specifically chapters 12- 14 and you will see what that church was struggling with the showy gifts tongues prophecy and knowledge and they were all fighting for who was better at what they they lost sight of what was what this really was about they sought something that maybe wasn't meant for them to have I'm just saying but for these people here on the day of Pentecost the Lord showed up in a mighty way the Holy Spirit came and the backstory of this event is freaking phenomenal if you ask my opinion the backstory the backstory oh because it wasn't like these Apostles didn't know that this was going to happen Okay because if you back up one chapter mhm to Acts chapter one a lot of people forget that when that when Luke writes his sequel to his gospel when he writes the book of Acts in chapter 1 Jesus hasn't ascended quite yet okay that's right and and there's one last conversation that Jesus has with his disciples and it starts right off at the very beginning of Acts chapter 1 but then he says something really interesting starting in verse 6 of chapter 1 of the book of Acts so when they that's the disciples and all of the followers of Jesus when they had come together they were asking him saying Lord is it at this time you are restoring the Kingdom of Israel now they still don't quite get it after everything in three plus years of walking as Jesus's own personal disciples and being taught and trained and discipled by the Lord himself witnessing his death his burial and now his resurrection ction they're still not figuring out some of the conversations that Jesus has had with them pertaining to this whole Kingdom conversation like Matthew 24 Mark 13 Luke 21 those types of conversations right mm so Jesus says to them it is not for you to know times or epics which the father has fixed by his own authority so don't worry about that stuff guys be present to this moment right now you don't need to be worrying about times in the future or epic events that are going to take place those are things that God the Father himself has fixed and set in their perfect time you folks out there having a struggle uh having a conversation with people about the Sovereign will of God remember acts 1:7 it is not for you to know times or epics which the father has fixed by his own authority mhm every single thing that happens on our on our timeline is fixed there supernaturally by the father because he is Sovereign and has the authority to do it but the story doesn't end there because verse 8 is super cool but you will receive power dunamis where we get Dynamite yeah but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you and you shall be my Witnesses both in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and even to the remotest part of the earth and then verse 9 after he had said all these things he was lifted up and while they were looking on and a cloud received him and out of their sight so this is literally the last thing that Jesus said to the disciples and then he's gone wow his last instructions while on Earth to his closest followers was stay in Jerusalem and wait cuz that's verse four Gathering them together he commanded them not to leave Jerusalem but to wait for what the father had promised which he said you heard of from me John baptized with water but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now see these these guys and gals knew that Pentecost was going to happen they didn't know it was going to be 50 days to the day but they knew we got to stay in Jerusalem we can't go anywhere Jesus said that the holy spirit's going to come so we got to wait for the Holy Spirit to come why because when the Holy Spirit comes we are going to receive dunamis we are going to have explosive power from on high to be the Lord's Witnesses is in Jerusalem and then all of Judea and Samaria and then the rest of the earth wow and there's a there's a huge sermon in just that one verse by the way I bet like why are we so worried about what's going on so far away from home when our very own backyard needs us to pour Our Lives into it and disciple people in Christ how how does our Jerusalem look it's true the there's application Point number one yeah but he says like I said he said in verse 4 to that they are to wait for what the father had promised which you heard of from me so Jesus is telling them you heard from me about this Holy Spirit that's going to come not many days from now Andy yes did Jesus tell them prior to this conversation right before the Ascension that the Holy Spirit was going to come to them yes do you know where um well I know one of the places in John chapter 16 okay that's wonderful because we're going to John chapter 16 I did a little homework love that all right way to be a student of the word but we're going to start at the tail end of John chapter 15 okay see John chapter 15 doesn't just contain the infamous I am the True Vine and you are the branches conversation towards the I mean this is this is part of this very long dissertation that Jesus is giving to his disciples where it's kind of like the pre-warning that he's going to be leaving them oh yes all right and so he's just kind of laying it all out there like the way that you're going to be able to do the things that you do in my name is is if you abide in me like a branch is attached to the vine right but at the end of John 15 starting in verse 26 he says this when the helper comes whom I will send to you from the father who is the helper that is the spirit of Truth who proceeds from the father he will testify about me and you will testify also because you have been with me from the beginning so here is where he told them mhm mhm that word there for helper in the Greek it's the paraclete or pericos it's it's the one who comes alongside it's a helpmate right but specifically it also means comforter yes now I'm not going to do it now because of time but just as a side study go back to the Book of Genesis chapters 22 and 24 it's the story of when Abraham gets a bride for his son Isaac it's also the story of when Abraham goes up on the Mount of Mariah to sacrifice Isaac chapter 23 is when Sarah passes away and is buried 24 picks up the story now why am I suggesting that you go read and study that you can't build Doctrine on it but everything that has to do with the model or pattern of how the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit all work to glorify Christ is present in the characters of that story of Abraham Isaac and Rebecca and an unnamed servant oh the unnamed servant that's right I remember and not to spoil the story but you actually know what his name is if you go back a few chapters in The Book of Genesis his name is Eleazar and Eleazar in the Hebrew guess what what it means comforter ooh so there's your little teaser to go study that and have some fun that's how far back in biblical history the the concept of the Trinity all working together for the Redemption of humanity and Christ's atonement and the filling of the holy spirit all work together that far back and even farther than that it's actually in the garden but I'm just saying this is not just some wild crazy thing that happened on a whim this was planned remember as we read in in Acts chapter 1 that these are things that that the father has set into place on his authority he he meant to do all these things M so Jesus at the end of John chapter 15 tells the disciples that the helper is coming the holy spirit is coming it's the spirit of truth that comes from the father he will testify about me and and you will also testify because you've been with me from the beginning in other words because you have been with me since the beginning of my Ministry guys you have a lot of stuff to tell people about that's true but the holy spirit is going to fill you with the power and the truth to say all those things and give testimony in other words you can't do it without me you can't do it without the Lord's strength you can't do it without the empowerment of the Holy Spirit mhm in other words this is a really classic example of why we don't always do the greatest job of even doing the Lord's work in our own strength does that make sense yes absolutely but then we but then we jump over to John chapter 16 the conversation continues I wish that there wasn't a chapter break here cuz it's all one conversation John 16:1 the these things I have spoken to you so that you may be kept from stumbling

M it's an interesting I'll let our listeners chew on that one for a while jump down to verse five and this really is kind of the meet and potatoes of our conversation all right but now I am going to him who sent me and none of you asks me where are you going like they want to know hey is it time for you to fix the Kingdom of Israel hey is the end of the world going to happen no one's asking I mean he's been telling them I'm going away but where you going nobody's asking me where where are you going but because I have said these things to you sorrow has filled your heart but I tell you the truth listen but I tell you the truth it is to your advantage that I go away for if I do not go away the helper will will not come to you but if I go I will send him to you wow and he when he comes will convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment concerning sin because they do not believe in me concerning righteousness because I go to the father and you no longer see me and concerning judgment because the ruler of this world has been judged I have many more things to to say to you but you cannot bear them now it would overwhelm them I bet well yeah and here's why but when he the spirit of truth comes he will guide you into all the truth and I look that up in the Greek that means all all means all for he will why will he guide them into all truth he will not speak on his own initiative but whatever he hears he will speak and he will disclose to you what is to come so in other words guys don't worry about the future be present in the moment I could tell you what's going to happen in the future but your heads are going to explode so wait until you are filled with the Holy Spirit and let him teach you all truth and then he will disclose to you the things that are going to come in the future he will glorify me for he will take of mine and will disclose it to you all all things that the father has are mine therefore I said that he takes of mine and will disclose it to you such a powerful conversation yeah and then he goes the conversation continues where he tells about his death and Resurrection see all of this is leading this whole dissertation with between him and his disciples is is leading up to him explaining to them what's about to happen to him yeah he's about to die mhm and then rise from the dead and then go away now recently Andy yeah you and I went up to Seattle M to visit our kids some of our kids and some friends and go to a concert but as is tradition whenever we go back to uh our Our Fair City yeah we take a drive through the old neighborhood we do we go and look at our park Wallingford Park mhm uh when we have more time we go to the old Wallingford Schoolhouse the Wallingford Center and go to Trophy cake because uh we like to have cupy cakes there right uh occasionally we've gone into the grocery store that used to be food giant back in the day but that went the way of the dodo and then we drive past the houses that we grew up in so for those of you don't who don't know Andrea and I grew up literally seven blocks from each other in the same neighborhood so as part of our visits to Seattle we always like to drive through the old neighborhood and go and sit in front of our old houses and have memories and and and and thus and so and you know the house that I grew up in mhm in in in Wallingford it it was built in the ' 40s my mother bought it from her uncle for like $112,000 oh my I can't even imagine yeah when when me and my brother Jamie were little little she like you know my stepdad was gone a lot cuz he was in a band and traveling around the country and in my mother's spare time man she worked so hard to fix up that house wow uh it was it was originally it was this like dark disgusting chocolate pudding brown with a light yellow trim yeah that's very 70s yeah it's very is gross and she painted that house with us kids uhhuh while my stepdad was on the road and changed it to like this rust like tomato color with black trim it looked cute it was gorgeous it's gorgeous she did she did the Landscaping she planted flowers we I mean everything about this house I mean it wasn't the nicest house on the Block but nicest looking house on the Block because it had this gross aluminum garage door with dents in it why she stopped at the garage door to this day I still don't know anyways this house like this was my home this was my this was my childhood home like this was my original quote unquote Fortress of Solitude and then they sold it in in the mid 80s and we moved out of the neighborhood and and everything but now all of these years later we go back to visit and every time we go back to visit that house looks worse and worse and worse oh they they change the color of paint to this like gross bluish gray with white trim they don't take care of the weeds they don't take care of the yard they don't I mean there's trash in the driveway it's it's just like all it's it I mean it's crazy and and it's so it's so disappointing you know yeah because you know I felt invested in that house as a kid myself because I helped my mother fix that house up uhhuh and it was our Castle and we left it for other people that we assumed were going to care for it and they

haven't because apparently they didn't have the same level of conviction or the same power in mind to keep doing the thing that we were doing when we were there right just imagine if when the Lord ascended to heaven he did not send the Holy Spirit and left the disciples to try and do the things that they had been doing when Jesus was with

them see it's important to realize a few really key points about Pentecost there there are certain things that are necessary to learn here okay yeah the first thing is the filling and power of the Holy Spirit was promised Jesus told them that the Holy Spirit would come he told him to wa he told them to wait in Jerusalem for the Holy Spirit to come it was so this was a promise mhm I I would argue before the foundations of the world the Holy Spirit Was preparing to interfere with Human Experience here on Earth right second of all once the disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit and full of all of this power they went out and did some pretty crazy things like crazy amazing crazy amazing things like first off uh that last verse that I read in Acts 2: 13 when these people are jering and saying they they're drunk they must be full of sweet wine Peter goes on to give this amazing sermon where he basically breaks it down he quotes from uh the prophet Joel from Joel chapters 2 and I believe chapter 3 and basically says that what the prophet Joel testified about the last days yeah what you're seeing right now is just a drop in the bucket it's going to get bigger and better and awesomer if that's a word more awesome more awesomer um and he gives him this whole history of how Jesus was the Messiah and the people of Jerusalem killed him but then here's what's here's what's intense okay mhm in Acts chapter 2 at the end of this sermon that Peter gives now this is Peter the guy who denied the Lord three times and then the Lord restored him later this is that same Peter preaching his butt off and after he finished his preaching in Acts 2:40 it says and with many other words he solemnly testified and kept on urging them saying be saved from this perverse generation woo now that's some evangelism bro mhm like for real be saved from this perverse generation now these aren't just empty words these are words that are filled with the power of the Holy Spirit mhm and then Watch What Happens Next verse 41 so then those who had received his word were baptized and that day there were added about 3,000 Souls wow now what you don't see here is that in First Century Middle East culture in the writing they only count the men okay so there's upwards of anywhere from 5 to 10,000 people actually here that are added to the followers of Christ just from this one sermon I have to tell you Andy yeah as a preacher that's pretty amazing that's a pretty good turn yeah he's batting a thousand he's batting he's batting 3,000 is what he's batting verse 20 or verse 42 MH this is so cool they were continually devoting themselves to the apostles teaching and to fellowship and to the breaking of bread and to prayer you want to know what church is supposed to look like ladies and gentlemen that's it they were devoting themselves to who had the coolest shoes no oh come on they were devoting themselves to who had the nicest jacket they were devoting themselves to the people who were the most articulate and had the greatest degrees no no they were continually devoting themselves to the apostles teaching and to Fellowship to the breaking of bread and to prayer after the Ascension of Jesus Christ and the filling of the Holy Spirit ladies and gentlemen they partied they ate and they prayed all the time mhm That's my kind of

church now the third thing that is extremely important and in my opinion the most important about Pentecost it isn't the speaking in tongues it isn't the sermon in my opinion the most important thing is the number one condition that the event of Pentecost hinges upon and that is from John chapter 16 as we already read verse 7 Jesus says to his disciples but I tell you the truth it is to your advantage that I go away the prerequisite that Pentecost hinges on is Jesus ascending to the father h it was good for him to go away it was necessary for him to go away this creates an extra layer in my heart and in my mind to the verses in Hebrews 12: 1 and 2 therefore since we have such a great cloud of witnesses surrounding us let us also lay aside every encumbrance and sin which so easily entangles us and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us fixing our eyes on Jesus the author and finisher of our faith Faith who for the joy set before him endured the cross despising its shame and has sat down at the right hand of the Throne of godh all of that to say I believe that part of the joy that Jesus had in going to the cross of Calvary was knowing that not soon after that death of his he was going to send the Holy Spirit to fill his followers wow Isn't that cool that's super cool I just think that there's so much more to Pentecost than the obvious yeah these people think that these other people are drunk there's this loud sound there's these tongues of fire flapping above everybody's head they all speak in in different languages like you can picture all that in your brain you you've seen paintings and drawings and pictures and you know depictions of it and what have you to me the real meat and potatoes of Pentecost mhm is that Jesus had to go away first it's the truth wow so that the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit are all working in concert in the lives of his people amen an't that powerful yeah and that's Pentecost now in the mid to late 20th century all the way up until now in church culture people have taken bits and pieces of this account of Pentecost and run with it and come up with this Doctrine and that Doctrine and you know all of these different things and what have you right and and and and I'm not going to drift into the weeds and get into a conversation about all those things all I want to say is when you look at the event of Pentecost and you see what EXA what exactly went down mhm especially if you read it in the Greek that's the important thing right when you read read and study and understand exactly what went down on on the day of this event you begin to see how the rest of the book of Acts plays out early church history and the way that they moved and fellowshipped and ate and baptized and spoken tongues and people were healed and etc etc etc it's all done practically it's all done literally and it's all done as the Apostle Paul writes in 1 Corinthians decently and in order right it's not chaos it's not a bunch of drunk people as these people in Acts chapter 2 accused them of being it's very purposeful and all of these other angles and isms and allies and doctrines that have kind of sprung out of these conversations about Pentecost mhm when I see it and the misleading of it and the Miso appropriating of it and the misinforming of it it makes me feel very similar to the way that I feel sitting in front of my childhood home yeah because it's in disarray mhm it's not kept kept up it's not taken care of right right had the Holy Spirit not come at Pentecost had the Holy Spirit not come at all wow I can't even imagine right and you can say that now because you've been walking with Christ for so long yeah because you know you and I both Andy we know the difference between when we are in the when we are in the flesh and when we are in the spirit mhm uh go back and listen to our series on the fruits of the spirit uh the spirit and the flesh are constantly at war with one another right yeah the Deeds of the flesh are evident the fruit of the spirit has no law against it but just imagine if you will if the Holy Spirit had never come and Jesus left and essentially left us to care for his bride without being led into into the understanding of all truth and empowered to do the Lord's will we're on our own you're on your own guys now there is a form of theology that teaches that God created everything started everything spinning and then backed off and said all right you're on your own guys that's a real theology wow okay just imagine what that world would look like not just my childhood home in complete a shambles mhm but a world in complete shambles would you agree yeah it was necessary for the Lord to go away so that the Holy Spirit could come and fill his followers with knowledge truth understanding wisdom discernment and power to do his will without the Holy Spirit there is no defense of the faith other than lip service true other than man's Wisdom which just look at church culture you see where man's Wisdom has gotten us there's no dynamus there's no dynamus that's right

right holding to a form of godliness yet denying its power that's what that looks like wow oh dang I just got

goosebumps so the Holy Spirit The Filling of the Holy Spirit isn't something you got to wait for yeah it's given to you you're saved you're born again you're given the Holy Spirit it is it is the presence of Jesus Christ the son of the Living God in you with you around you all of the time doing what comforting guiding instructing mhm and testifying of Jesus Christ that's right to you mhm who's the best professor at

apologetics the Holy Spirit I would imagine

the Holy Spirit yes so in all seriousness I think that Pentecost is one of those events in church history that really isn't talked about enough at least from the biblical perspective right and and my hope and my goal having this conversation was to kind of peel back some of the layers of the event look at some Greek look at some history and look at some of the conversations that Jesus had with his deciples and how all of those conversations worked together in accordance with God's will to birth the Apostolic Church yeah I think it's cool cuz I never really thought much about why did the Holy Spirit have to come mhm you know I just KN knew that he did obviously but I never thought about you know what if he hadn't or how would things look differently and how important it is that he did come and yeah how thankful I am because of it that's right I had a wonderful conversation with a guy by the name of Jack Ebner about 20 years ago we were talking Theology and and I overthink things so much so I mean I really do I mean sometimes I can get so stinking cranial about something and yet the answer the answer is Faith like a child like it's like it's that simple right yeah Jack says to me Heath why did Lazarus have to die I know the answer to that it's probably not the answer I gave probably not what's the answer Andy so Jesus could raise him Bingo why did Jesus have to ascend to the father so the Holy Spirit could come so that the Holy Spirit could come yeah the two go hand in hand without one you don't have the other and I'll close with this we as children of God are filled with his holy spirit we are empowered by his Holy Spirit who is working endlessly and tirelessly to comfort convict instruct accompany and testify in your life and mine all day every day and all of those things not only feed our ability to know what we believe and defend what we believe but also bolster the faith that we've been given by God to constantly await the Lord's return because without the spirit of Truth we don't have hope without the Lord's Resurrection we don't have hope without the Ascension we don't have the Holy Spirit and without the Holy Spirit we don't have the guidance into all truth bolstering our faith that one day our bridegroom Our Savior our King is coming back for us and then we will literally be in the presence of Jesus and I don't know about you Andy yeah I look forward to that day me too but until that day comes I want us all to just really wrap our heads around the gift of the Holy Spirit the gift that is the holy spirit he is God in the life of a Believer teaching and training and and convicting and doing all the things for us so that we're not left alone because without the Holy Spirit us waiting for the Lord's return would be like my childhood home it would all fall apart that's true true and then like I drove by my childhood home and was disappointed mhm that doesn't equate to what Jesus says he will say when he welcomes his followers and says well done my good and faithful servant and who is the good and faithful servant the one who was filled with the holy spirit amen and that's all we have to say about that!

Thank you for listening to the Churchosity podcast don't forget to give us a rating and leave us a review on our next episode we will finally be having our conversation about the problem of evil over to you Andy be sure to check out our website there you can follow us on all the socials become a Churchosity patreon and drop us a message give us your feedback because we'd really love to hear from you and don't forget to spread the word about the Churchosity podcast by just simply telling a friend to tell a friend what we're doing here yeah let them be a part of the conversation too but always remember that the goal of our instruction Is Love from a pure heart and from a good conscience and a sincere Faith so we thank all of you once again for listening and we look forward to catching all of you on the next episode of Churchosity podcast peace [Music]


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