Churchosity Podcast

"The Greatest Commandment"

Heath and Andrea Brady Season 5 Episode 16

We have all probably read, recited, and quoted the answer to: "What is the greatest commandment?" But what is the context of the question, and what does the answer actually look like? The truth may shock us a bit.

In this episode we're looking at love; our only chance at loving comes from the fact that God loved us first! Listen as we discuss the commandment to love God and others.

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welcome to the Churchosity podcast if you're looking for a place to have fun and edifying conversations about church culture then you have landed in the right spot


what's up everybody my name is Heath Brady and I'm Andrea Brady and we are your Churchosity podcast Personnel here to lead you down the path of fun and edifying conversations about church culture Andy can you tell I'm in a good mood today yep I can tell yes feel like I've been shot out of a cannon today oh good you must have had a good night's sleep I did it's been a while a yeah the Sandman paid me a visit I was like hello my old friend that's good where have you been all of my

life yeah so Andy how are you doing I'm doing okay yeah yeah I'm good nice yeah ready to have some fun I really am yes I've missed recording with you yeah I know it's kind of kind of fun I enjoy it a lot only kind of fun okay it's a lot of fun there we go that a girl it's a lot of fun it is a lot of fun and uh we never run out of things to say do we no there's always a lot to talk about that's right because the Journey of sanctification is a never ending process until we go home to Glory okay and we are constantly God's projects so always there's some something that comes up isn't there yeah there's always something he's working on that's right what are we going to talk about today well on this episode we're going to have a conversation about something that is uh fun and challenging oh and that would be the greatest commandment oh the greatest commandment yes uhhuh but before we dive into our conversation we want to remind all of you to please give us a rating especially if you want to give us five stars and leave us a review because your ratings and reviews not only help popularize church oity but also make us so much easier for other people to find us and we also want to encourage all of you to check out our website the person in charge of that website strenuously urges that you go to church for the home of all things church oity not just our episodes but also blogs links to our YouTube merch and and a survey oh yes the survey that we would love everybody to take less than 5 minutes of your time to fill out and answer just a few handy dandy questions for us because we want to connect with you we want to remind all of our listeners that church aity is your community you're along for the ride with us yeah so we want to know how we can serve you even greater even better more practically be more of an encouragement you could even tell us how we could be praying for you let us know what kind of subjects or ideas that you would like for us to talk about on our podcast all of the things so please go to give it a gander hang out for a while and enjoy that's Churchosity dot com [Music]

we are gen xers after all that's right all right Mrs Brady Yes dear you ready to have a fun conversation yeah they're always fun even when they're this going to be a fun conversation I think so okay I think it'll be fun I think it'll be encouraging I think it'll be challenging convicting maybe convicting well you know I hope it's convicting because especially with the whole idea behind the greatest commandment we're going to have to look inwardly yes at our hearts in comparison to what God wants our hearts to look like and how much of our heart he wants that's right so as I said at the beginning we are going to talk about the greatest commandment now it's an interesting question right that Jesus is asked at one point by one of the lawmakers or I should say lawyers more better translated one of the experts in Mosaic law okay he comes to them he comes to Jesus and he says teacher Rabbi Now understand they're not being polite here this is one of the Pharisees oh they're not being polite he's not being polite I see he's trying to catch Jesus in his words he's trying to get him to violate the law okay there's three kind of sister passages where this conversation takes place Matthew 22 Mark 12 and Luke 10 but why this is not a very fun question that they are asking Jesus is because they're essentially trying to get Jesus in front of the crowds to be stymied and stumped and discredited as a teacher by asking him what is the greatest commandment in the law now when we say the law what are we referring to Andy um the Mosaic law so the Old Testament yeah the the the books of law especially in Leviticus all of the rules and regulations for the nation of Israel to be separate yeah from the rest of the world okay so if they ask what the greatest commandment is that like he's referring to the Ten Commandments or do you think it's he's referring to the whole law I think it's a yes s okay I'm curious Andy yeah have you ever heard someone say to you that you know is not a Believer and maybe even some Believers have you ever heard anyone say something to you about Christianity as being a bunch of religious dos and don'ts dos and don'ts yeah bunch of rules yeah I've heard that a little bit or uh Christianity's too hard there's so many things I have to give up yeah that I've heard that you know things like that mhm well when you talk about the religious side of Christianity which would be the works that we do the things we say the have toos or the H or the can't do and all that stuff yeah they those folks who say those types of things are actually not wrong okay those are the things that you know the law makes being a Christian impossible that's true that's kind of the whole point of the law yeah and these Pharisees and Sadducees and you know experts in Mosaic law this is part of the reason why they created extracurricular practices like the mishna they knew that they could not get the law right all of the time so they needed to create like subtext and footnotes and extra things like the way you washed your hands and what time of day you put on your sandals and you know things like that because that was an outward expression of how great they were because they were God's chosen people that sounds like legalism yeah it's legalism it's it's elitism and this is the type of culture the type of religious environment that Jesus was in right so anytime that he's in public and he's teaching and there's Pharisees or Sadducees around he is literally budding up against everything that they have for Generations come to know and love and practice a lot of the times for selfish motives so with all of that as context this expert of Mosaic law comes to Jesus and gos him a little okay teacher Rabbi uhhuh because you know they didn't recognize him as a teacher of the law okay but he had followers so that's what made him a rabbi I see so they say teacher Rabbi what is the greatest commandment in the law okay I'm in Matthew chap 22 oh okay Matthew 22 let me look it up as well so starting in verse 34 okay got it it says but when the Pharisees heard that Jesus had silenced the Sadducees which read that above verse 34 it's pretty comical they gathered themselves together that's the Pharisees see they kind of huddle together time out we need a huddle we need to call an audible wouldn't you love to just be a fly on the wall and listening and overhearing an Eaves dropping on that conversation yeah so it says in verse 35 one of them a lawyer or literally an expert in the Mosaic law asked him a question testing him teacher Rabbi what is the greatest commandment in the law now what is it about this question that this person asks of Jesus that would cause the Pharisees to believe that this would be a daunting task or test for Jesus gosh I don't know possibly because there are 63 Commandments in the law okay I bet you didn't know that no most people don't there are 613 Commandments in the Old Testament law that every single Jew in the first century when Jesus is here is expected to abide by and they know that they can't which is the purpose of the 613 rules or laws or commands so they try to test him they try to trap him they basically are trying to discredit him as a teacher I see by saying what is the greatest commandment in all of the law and without even batting an eyelash Jesus says to him you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind this is the great and foremost commandment so obviously he's quoting from The Ten Commandments because this is the first of the Ten Commandments that you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart soul mind and strength right but then as an addendum he doesn't say the second of the Ten Commandments which is to have no other gods before me no he says the second is like it the second is equal so there's two Commandments that make up the greatest commandment and that is you shall love your neighbor as yourself and then in verse 40 on these two Commandments depend the whole law and the prophets okay yeah H because if you're doing both of those things you won't pretty much you won't [Laughter] sin well if you are actively loving the Lord your God with all that you are yeah all of your feelings all of your emotions all of your actions all of your thoughts cuz love is not just an emotion it's not even primarily an emotion it's action right if you are AG gapeing the Lord with everything that you are then you're always in his will wow in conjunction with that you are then naturally also aging loving unconditionally your neighbor as much as you love yourself sometimes even greater than yourself and those two Commandments are the law they they make up they satisfy the whole law and the prophets and essentially everything in the Old Testament that these first century Jews were trying their darnest to live by and failing miserably day after day is Satisfied by those two Commandments wow and that's pretty powerful yeah it's pretty deep because just as a side note everything that Jesus did from his baptism until his Ascension was essentially fulfilling those two

Commandments because remember Jesus says that no greater love has a man than this than he would lay down his life for his friends yeah I was just thinking of that verse yeah and of course he loved his heavenly father he loved god with everything that he was right all of the time so that is that is how the law Works to show us the prime and epitome and perfect example of fulfilling the entire law is Jesus Christ it's meant to show us our imperfection and this is why this is the greatest commandment and my dear friend pastor loves to call these the hardest Commandments because Andy yeah how easy is it to love especially unconditionally the Lord and others all of the time yeah we get selfish sometimes don't we often I was going to say some of us often let's be real I was just trying to sound nice but yeah I mean love your neighbor as yourself right well who's my neighbor we'll get to that I remember one of these passages asks that question let's look at the Mark chap 12 passage it's a little bit different all right starting in verse 28 it says one of the scribes same guy came and heard them arguing and recognizing that he had answered them well asked him now that he is Jesus so this person of the law recognized that Jesus is good on his toes now remember when Jesus was a kid and he was around 12 years old Mary and Joseph lost him and where did they find him in the temple in the temple mhm and they were amazed because he was with all of the Learned men all of the scribes in the temple one of the interesting things that we need to know about Jesus's character as a human we really struggle with wrapping our heads around this reality and that is that he was a human in as much as he was also God and in his Humanity there were things that he needed to learn and you know the reason why Jesus won every single argument why it's cuz he was trained how to argue in the temple oh he was basically in the top debate class if you will he learned how to argue he he basically learned how to be the true and faithful witness as John the Revelator describes him to be in the Book of Revelation mhm so the this expert of the Mosaic law here in Mark 12 starting in verse 28 hears the people arguing with Jesus and recognizes that Jesus had answered them well Jesus knows his stuff Jesus is worth his salt he's not some chump and it says that that the man chump he's not some chump he's not some chump okay this man asks Jesus what commandment is the foremost of all literally the first of all right again this is a little bit more detail of how these Pharisees are trying to test Jesus and embarrass him in front of his followers and everyone else and Jesus answers the foremost the first commandment of the 6113 here o Israel the Lord our God is one Lord and you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength the second is this you shall love your neighbor as yourself there is no other commandment greater G than these and now this scribe you don't see this in the Matthew passage but here this man says to Jesus right teacher you have truly stated that he is one and there is no one else besides him and to love him with all the heart and with all the understanding and with all the strength and to love one's neighbor as himself is much more than all burnt offerings and sacrifices and then Jesus says something really interesting Jesus saw that this man had answered intelligently it's almost as if Jesus was was recognizing this guy's no chump

either right and Jesus says to him you are not far from the kingdom of God whoa now could you just imagine being one of these Pharisees being one of the people the Le the religious leaders of the time Who as a group were constantly trying to mess with Jesus constantly trying to entrap him in his words and in his actions and then Jesus calls one of Jesus says that one of them he looks this guy Square in the face and he says you are not far from the kingdom of God wow the shock some of those Pharisees that overhearing this might have been horrified by this well yeah I mean that's not really a phrase they used very often no it is not H and then it says after that no one would venture to ask him any more questions I'm not going to DARE do that yeah I wouldn't do it either I'd be like all right Jesus you win you won this debate well I mean if if they were you know let's imagine this the pH are huddling together and they're trying to strategize what are we going to ask him next they're going to send their most eloquent Savvy guy to go talk to him you caught that yep so send the expert so they send the guy they send the Michael Jordan they chose this guy right mhm and he's up there and he's talking with Jesus and then all of a sudden Jesus says

you're not far from the kingdom of God like cuz all these guys probably think they've got their act together and they've got it all figured out obviously and they just sent in their their Ace their to like totally mess Jesus up yeah and the tables turn it's like Michael Jordan going in for the slam dunk and then somebody else being so much better and saying yeah I think you could make JV

ooh or like when Jordan was a freshman and got cut from the team oh can true story yes that is true but yeah that's a great that's a great analogy uh they send in their best player right and he gets swatted yeah and I can just I mean it doesn't say it obviously but I just kind of picture this in my head of all the pH Pharisees being like Oh man come on bro that's the best you can do back to the drawing board right well they retreated obviously that's right they wouldn't dare ask him any more questions yeah it says no one would venture no one would even attempt no one even would stir up the energy to ask him any more questions yeah like yeah it's all right so then Jesus goes to the temple and resumes teaching oh gosh is that the next verse yeah that's verse 35 oh gosh yeah and it goes on from there oh let's flip over to the Luke 10 passage okay let's have a little bit of fun starting in verse 25 okay same scenario but there's more details here and a lawyer that's a expert in the Mosaic law stood up and put him to the test Jesus to the test uhuh saying teacher what shall I do to inherit eternal life now it's getting a little this is a little bit deeper here cuz it is in just what's the greatest commandment oh it isn't just what's the first commandment now it's how do I inherit eternal life right I mean this is connected doesn't necessarily mean it happened at the same time I mean it's a little bit different it's it's yeah it's it's just Luke's rendering of the same conversation mhm and Jesus says to this guy what is written in the law how does it read to you see this is the little twist here this is the wrinkle mhm it says in verse 26 that Jesus says to this lawyer what is written in the law like SWAT it back at you yeah how does it read to you how do you understand what it takes to how do you read what it takes to inherit eternal life and this lawyer says you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind and your neighbor as yourself he says all of it right and then Jesus says to him you have answered correctly do this and you will live in other words you fulfill the entire law and inherit eternal life by doing all of this right just the only these two things to love God with everything you've got and to love your neighbor as yourself but then here's where it gets fun wishing to justify himself he said to Jesus and who is my neighbor neighbor oo that's what I'm talking

about so who do I have to love as equally as myself right exactly Point them out and then I'll decide notice what he didn't ask uh how do I love the Lord my God with all my heart soul strength and mind right he's more worried about what he has to actually do and who he has to actually like let alone actively Agape true cuz yeah cuz people can see that yeah so just as I always like to say anytime you have a question about what Jesus is getting at the Pharisees tend to do a great job of coming to our rescue [Music] right because here this Pharisee this expert in the Mosaic law asks a million-dollar question that Jesus's answer could literally ruin him right right you know what this question sounds like to me what how many times do have to forgive someone 70 time you know the 70 times seven times yeah seven times right same type of tone it does seem like that but this is coming from a religious leader this is coming from an expert in the law okay this is this is the Michael Jordan of the Pharisees at this conversation right and just as Jesus tends to do he goes right for the

jugular and he tells a parable uhuh and this Parable I am sure makes everybody squirm oh I bet verse 30 Jesus replied and said A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho and fell among robbers and they stripped him and beat him and went away leaving him half dead and by chance a priest was going down on that road and when he saw him he passed by on the other side now that's going to offend the Sanhedrin okay likewise a levite this is someone who's from the tribe of Levi the tribe of Levi someone who is an expert in Mosaic law if you will okay likewise a levite also when he came to the place and saw him passed by on the other

side verse 33 but a Samaritan who was on a journey Came Upon him and when he saw him he felt compassion and he came to him and bandaged up his wounds pouring oil and wine on them and he put him on his own beast and brought him to an inn and took care of him on the next day he took out two daeri or two days worth of wages and gave them to the inkeeper and said take care of him and whatever more you spend when I return I will repay you which of these three do you think proved to be a neighbor to the man who fell into the robber's hands and this Mosaic expert said the one who showed Mercy to him then Jesus said to him go and do the very same thing go and do likewise now those had to be some very very hard words for all of them especially this guy to chew on cuz basically in in in this parable of the Good Samaritan as we know it there's a lot that we miss beneath the surface because the Pharisees are trying to trap Jesus the Pharisees are trying to test Jesus he comes right at them especially at this levite because he use he essentially says the chief priests aren't going to do anything to help the guy the experts in the law aren't going to do anything to help the guy but a person who is less than human to the average Jewish person a Samaritan why is that because they were considered half breeds oh so they're half Jewish they're half Jewish they're like the mud Bloods yes in Harry Potter yes I see John chapter 4 the woman at the well right uh get really gets into details on that because Jesus goes into Samaria and the disciples are like we don't want to go to Samaria and we want to go around but this whole conflict that the pure Bloods the the naturalized Jews had with the Samaritans this goes all the way back way way way way way way back to the times of the judges oh way back in the Old Testament when the kingdoms were separated in the Civil War it's it's fascinating but this is where it comes from and so there's this old centuries old you know tradition that only the naturalized Jews were pure and elect of God and everyone else was secondary or less than human yeah and so Jews and Samaritans Jews did not associate with Samaritans okay so to say that a Samaritan is the one that showed Mercy on the man who who was left for dead which by the way is inferred to be a Jew so you got a Samaritan that's showing Mercy to a Jew who in all truth doesn't deserve it but that in effect is what Mercy is right right when we don't get what we deserve and what he deserved was just to be left to die yeah right well and if he was stripped and left for dead practically how could he know that he was a Jew he didn't even take that into consideration probably he just saw somebody in need that's a really good point I didn't think about that angle yeah they stripped him and beat him and he didn't have any like he didn't have his ID on him yeah right yeah that's a good point he didn't even give it a second thought there was someone who needed mercy and help and he just ran to his Aid and took care of him yeah and he didn't have to no you know I'm fairly confident that the Samaritan knew this was a Jew but even if he didn't that's even better there's like no second guessing it's like there's a need I'm going to I'm going to fill the need that's true I mean if the priest or the levite were walking in past and noticed that it was a a fellow Israelite or Jewish guy wouldn't he they have stopped You' think maybe not maybe maybe and maybe that's one of the points that Jesus is making in this Parable yeah that if you are if you are in need of mercy and care and love you're not going to get it from the religious leaders o ouch you're more likely to get what you need from the people that your culture despises wow oh I pray we aren't like that let us not be like that wow makes me think of a lot of the infighting in the church ah intense huh yeah so this whole idea of the greatest commandment you know I I think that we can kind of wrap our heads pretty safely around the first one yes to love the Lord your God with all your heart soul mind and strength right like we won't know what that fully looks like until we get promoted to Glory yeah but I know that as a follower of Jesus Christ I want to do this all the time I want to actively demonstrate my love for God for who he is for what he's done and for what he's doing and for what he's going to do in my life the lives of the ones that I love and the lives of people in the church right but I think it's safe to say and and and if I'm wrong we can we can have a follow-up episode let me know listeners but I think that we can pretty much catch the idea of what loving the Lord your God with all your feelings and emotions and and thoughts and actions would look like right yeah I honestly think that the tagline is the harder of the too to love your neighbor as yourself because I think that we in the church need to really really look especially at the condition of our hearts in relation to our neighbors and ask ourselves am I loving my neighbor as much as or more as myself H it's pretty deep it is deep especially when you look at the infamous love chapter First Corinthians chapter 13 I love the way you say that yeah love chapter well because this chapter is read at so many weddings oh that's true and yet it's it's like taken out of context more often than not because it's talking you know at a wedding it's talking about love and yet this is agape this is action This is Love In Action right yeah like love is patient okay we're

done what do you mean like I can't go any further than that I'm not patient all the time

love is kind oh okay okay it's not [Music] jealous love does not brag is not arrogant guilty love does not act unbecomingly okay this is why I'm very careful on the microphone because recordings are there forever that's true love does not seek its own H selfish selfishness yeah love is not easily provoked it's being well-tempered

longsuffering love does not take into account a wrong suffered you know how we talk about something something making us feel Giddy and it's probably sinful yeah love does not rejoice in unrighteousness right but rejoices with the truth love bear all things believes all things believes that all things are possible that's what that phrase means wow hopes all things endures all things Love Never Fails everything else will fall away everything else will fall short verse 13 but now faith hope and love abide these three but the greatest there's that word in yes of these is love so when we talk about loving God this is what that looks like are we patient with God do we get angry with God do we do we become braggadocious or arrogant because we're hash blessed by God I hope not oh man I just yeah that makes me cringe you follow me oh yes oh but take it one step further are we patient with our neighbor are we kind towards our neighbor are we not jealous or Covetous because of our neighbor do we not brag and boast to make ourselves look better than our neighbor why do we keep thinking about cars I don't know like if we're on the road are we patient with our neighbor oh yeah yeah we see a new car drive by are we Covetous if we if we go home and our new neighbor drives up in a new

car I'm just you know it just made me think of that yeah so loving your neighbor it's it's not as easy as it sounds is it no it's not and yet coupled with love the Lord your God with all that you are fulfills the entire law see in when when it says that Jesus when Jesus says that he did not come to abolish the law to get rid of it but to fulfill it yeah he is the epitome of this because he loves God with everything he is and he loved his neighbor as himself to the point of laying down his life for him that's how he fulfilled the whole law wow that's why the veil was torn in two from top to bottom the moment Jesus breathed his last M and this is why Jesus says it is the greatest commandment and he sets the example the ultimate example of pure perfect love in action towards others so that brings me to first John 4 now many of us gen xers who grew up in Sunday school have probably heard the little jingle there's a jingle there's a little jingle okay what is it beloved let us love one another love one another for love is of God and everyone who loveth is born of God and knoweth God he that loveth not knoweth not God for God is love God is love beloved beloved let us love one another first John 47 and eight you never heard that no oh wow I missed out wow that was a good one it's also in the very first soundtrack for kids praise oh okay so that's going backways wow but here's John okay the Apostle in his first epistle writing beloved let us love one another for love is from God and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God the one who does not love does not know God for God is love well that's intense right so just think about that those passages in Matthew mark in Luke about that exchange between the Pharisee and Jesus about the greatest commands right were the Pharisees loving their neighbors no look at the the parable of the Good Samaritan did the chief priest and the levite love their neighbor no ooh well according to 1 John 4:8 the one who does not love does not know God right and yet Jesus tells that Pharisee you are very close to the kingdom of God yeah about 18 in yep about 18 Ines away from his mind to his heart Bingo oh my wife preaching over there [Music] y'all give it up for my Theologian wife man oh I love you a by this the love of God was manifested in us that God sent his only begotten son into the world so that we might live through him in This is Love not that we loved God because we're not capable of loving God right oh yes that's what the law shows us yes yes but that he loved us God loved us and sent his son to be the propitiation read that atonement for our sins oo yes how is it possible for us to love the Lord Our God with all that is in us and to love our neighbors as ourselves it's to do it through Jesus beloved if God so loved us we also ought to love one another powerful verses yeah we love because he first loved us we love because he first loved us now that's a cliche christianese phrase it's here in this passage I think it's down there uh in verse 19 right we love because he first loved us we are capable of loving God and loving others as ourselves because as a result of God first loving us wow think about that all of the well-intentioned Good Deeds all of the rituals all of the prayers all of the readings all of the service all of the sacrifices all of those things at the time of Christ that are what was the priority the primary way of being close to Godliness is obliterated because God's love and loving us first is not in that those are you know God's upside down kingdom exactly yes and that's what Jesus was telling the Pharisee that he was very close to yeah he was he was still right side up he needed to go that 18 Ines to his heart and flip it upside down and he would catch this yeah I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall at his house that night when he went home and had dinner o and the conversation he must have been having with himself and with God and everything that he had practiced up to that point wow and that's what happens with the gospel it rocks our world it is literally antithetical to what the world to what religion to what what habits and traditions and to what all of the stuff that we do it flies in the face of all of that right because the gospel is the remedy the gospel is the answer the gospel is the primary and only means of which we're even capable of loving somebody else because on our own go back to the list in 1 Corinthians 13 are we patient are we kind uhuh Etc you follow me yeah so who's our neighbors H yeah well the the the parable of the Good Samaritan creates kind of the easy path that's true it to figure out who our neighbors are right yeah it spells it out does if someone's hurting yeah if someone's lonely if someone is seeking the truth if someone is questioning their faith if someone's in the process of deconstruct instructing yes if someone's questioning their very identity ah if someone is suffering someone who's sick someone who is in the process of losing or has lost a loved one those are pretty obvious in my

opinion what about if someone is

serving someone who is leading yeah someone who is shepherding someone who is actively discipling others someone who is actively encouraging others and especially because of our

differences those are the ones that we should be loving yeah when Jesus says to love others as you love yourself it's another way of saying to love others the way that you would want them to love you back right now obviously if I was hurting or lonely or suffering or sick or any of those things I would really want to be loved on by the people of God right well I think the reason why Jesus used the analogy of the Good Samaritan was to explain how difficult it can be sometimes to love someone that too you know that I mean it's easy to love your neighbor who's just like you or your neighbor who's doing good stuff and you want to like encourage them or your neighbor who you know reciprocates mhm mhm but to love somebody who has nothing to give that's in need and you see the need you just do right that's the hard one yeah uh yeah we got all the excuses I know I'm late for something I'm busy oo gross yeah you know whatever it might be right yeah or you know you start rationalizing I mean I think I like to think that the Samaritan couldn't tell what kind of a person this guy was you know whether he was a Jew or Samaritan or what he just knew that he needed help you know yeah and because politics or belief system or whatever come into play you know they create barriers I think in our mind yeah well in 1 John 4 the last two verses say this if someone says I love God and hates his brother he is a liar for the one who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen oo [Music] and this commandment we have from him that the one who loves God should love his brother also right not must should so there's a little bit of Grace in that yeah but you know we do know that loving God and loving our neighbors fulfills the whole law so I would argue that we should want to do those things yeah we should definitely yeah I want to be somebody that you know once somebody looks at and says you know you're different you know or somebody I have had somebody say you and I have both had somebody say you know you're not like any Christian I've ever met mhm mhm like in a good way right not to boast but that makes me feel like I'm doing something good like I'm like God is working through me you know and that we're having an impact on people's lives and if they have questions about their faith they can come to me or you and talk to us about it and I don't know it brings me joy it makes me want to keep doing what I'm doing and doing it better you know God willing because I mean I'm not I am

nothing it's like it's totally Jesus you know amen so let us press on to learn how to love spend time with Jesus and yoke ourselves to him so that we can learn how to follow his example and remember that the only way that we are even capable of loving God and loving others is because God loved us first amen and that's all we have to say about that! 

Thank you for listening to the Churchosity podcast please don't forget to give us a rating and leave us a review on our next episode we're going to jump in the deep end of the pool and have a conversation about the problem of evil over to you Andy be sure to check out our website there you can follow us on all the socials become a church chity patreon and you can drop us a message and give us your feedback because we'd really love to hear from you and don't forget to spread the word about the Churchosity podcast by just simply telling a friend to tell a friend what we're doing here yeah let them be a part of the conversation too but always remember that the goal of our instruction Is Love from a pure heart and from a good conscience and a sincere Faith so we thank you once again for listening and we look forward to catching all of you on the next episode of Churchosity podcast peace [Music]



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